Keep Them OUT!
About Us
As one of the leading local businesses in the Muskoka/Halliburton area, we attribute our reputation to the lasting customer relationships we’ve developed throughout the years. We believe that all of our customers deserve the highest level of service, and we are committed to providing just that. We cover anything! a list of some of the places we service include: Cottages (including stilt cottages), island homes, Boat houses, Garages, Restaurants, Stilt homes, Mainland homes, Mobile homes, and even trailers
Explore the rest of our site to learn more about what we have to offer, and get in touch with us if you have any questions. MuskokasPiedPiper is here for you.
About Our Solution!
Our solution is a spray on formula made from Non-Poisonous, Mint Scented, Biodegradable mineral oils creating a physical and scented barrier that lasts for years! This in turn Will prevent them from getting in your house and cottage whilst also keeping them out!
What is so great about our N.P.M.S.B Formula?
Non-Poisonous. Mint-Scented. Biodegradable.
For those of you out there that love Nature and the Environment Our Formula is JUST for you! As we've talked about in our "About Our Solution" section ↑, we state that our formula is BIODEGRADABLE as well as NON-POISONOUS. Originating from the U.S by one of our affiliates, The formula that we use is completely safe for the environment (Even including your family members!). We aim for the goal of getting them out and keeping them out for years and years to come -mixed with a little bit of saving the earth to!-